Specialisations and track record.

The success of my approaches has a solid basis; it always revolves around how I am able to achieve results together with people. The types of assignments which I can be involved with can vary. Both nationally and internationally.

Examples of positions and assignments that I am available for:

General management (interim management) – focused on continuity, and temporarily holding a position at a higher management level (operational, commercial or business).

Change management – focused on improving and/or renewing processes, organisations, systems or the organisational structure (change schemes).

Crisis management – the immediate resolution of acute problems within an organisation and inside systems.

Project management – managing and realising projects (increasing productivity, customer satisfaction, improving employee satisfaction, implementation of ERP)

I prefer to do this within a senior executive management role with a commercial profile in the manufacturing industry, B2B, as well as the building materials sector and trade. At international groups, mid-sized enterprises or family businesses

Available for interim-assignments and projects.


“Joris is een inspirerende man die wegen bewandelt waar men in eerste instantie niet aan denkt. Door zijn ervaring en sturing kan hij mensen vormen voor de toekomst waardoor zee en meerwaarde zijn voor het bedrijf maar zichzelf ook ontdekken en daardoor ontwikkelen naar een hoger plan. Persoonlijk heb ik veel aan Joris gehad en we zaten niet altijd op dezelfde golflengte maar juist dat heeft mij gevormd naar mijn huidige situatie en me heeft mij medegebracht waar ik nu sta. Een motiverende man in mijn ogen.”

Dennis Kiele
Directeur De Glaskoning

“Als een van onze strategische partners heb ik met je samen mogen werken. Je bent een vent met het hart op de juiste plek, geeft voldoende ruimte aan eenieder, maar bent nooit te ver weg om de noodzakelijke dingen tijdig te signaleren, maar nog belangrijker, op te lossen. Je hebt de bijzondere combi blauw/geel (Ned Hermann), en dat stelt jou in staat holistisch te denken en tegelijkertijd analytisch te zijn.”

"As one of our strategic partners, I have had the privilege of working with you. You are a guy with his heart in the right place, who gives everyone enough space, though you are never too far away so that you spot important things in time. But more importantly, you resolve these. You have that special blue/yellow combi (Ned Hermann), and that enables you to think holistically and be analytical at the same time."

Bert Dekker
Sales and Marketing director at SIG PLC

“It was a pleasure to work with Joris as a professional. His experience and thorough analytical approach of complicated questions has been essential for finding the right argumentation and best solutions for the challenges we had the last years. The original and sometimes surprising way of presenting cases proved to be effective in getting ‘the message’ across to others.”

Jan-Dirk Heesbeen
Marketing manager SG API

“Joris is a people manager with a high sense of integrity. I really liked doing business with him, because of his integrity, and clear way of setting goals with a healthy sense of quality. A man with solutions on his mind. Congratulations if you can be his business partner!”

Axel Bunnik
Coach Founder Fat Elephant

“It was a pleasure to work with Joris for many years. His own way of presenting cases gives a different look on challenges. His combination of being a people manager with a high sense of integrity and a strong analytical approach brought us to the best solutions as a team.”

Max Hermsen
Commercieel manager Baustoff + Metall Nederland

Joris is duidelijk een mensen-mens. Prettig in omgang en plezierig in de communicatie. Hij heeft in korte tijd als interim directeur een belangrijke rol gespeeld, duidelijk naar ieders tevredenheid. Joris weet op een luchtige manier zaken in gang te zetten en zaken ook af te ronden. We houden zeker contact!

Michiel Hendriks

Investeerder, partner Festos Investments

“I have known Joris at the time when I was managing Eurocoustic and I was also the Commercial director of the Ceilings division. He was an excellent manager caring for his people, his customers, and his suppliers. Always positive, even during tough market times, a true example of leadership and commitment to his business. A very pleasant peer indeed.”

Jean-Francois Lelievre
Managing Director SG Coramine Clipper France

“Almost 20 years ago when I started at Saint-Gobain, Joris was one of the teachers they send me to. Not just to get information about glass or how the business was organized but Joris showed me how to manage a BU and being a real entrepreneur. Over the years we worked closely and improved those skills: out of all this I can confirm that Joris is one of the best. As a team player, people manager, result focused and that with humor and with a long-term view!”

Arnold Sirag
Directeur Vetrotech Saint-Gobain Benelux

Examples of assignments that I have done

As a 24 year old, rescued a company from insolvency
Implementation of strategic reorientation
Staying relevant as a business enterprise
Stable retail price strategy in the face of highly volatile raw material prices